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What became of the personal robot?

"What happened to the personal robot - a domestic servant who would never tire of being told what to do? When writer Danny Wallace set off to find out the fate of this long overdue dream, the BBC's Peter Leonard joined him."

Category: Robotics


2008: Change, but at what price?

"This year will go down as the year of interlinked food shortages, climate change and the recession. But it was also the year when it may have dawned on governments that hell-for-leather, western fossil fuel-based, car-centred...


Climate update: Sea level could rise by 150cm

"Sea level rise due to global warming will "substantially exceed" official UN projections and could top 150cm by the end of the century, according to a report from the US Geological Survey on the risks of abrupt climate change....

Category: Climate Change


This year is coolest since 2000

"The world in 2008 has been cooler than at any time since the turn of the century, scientists say. Cooling La Nina conditions in the Pacific brought temperatures down to levels last seen in the year 2000. "

Category: Climate Change


Australians condemn climate plan

"Environmental activists have staged protests in several Australian cities against a plan to combat climate change announced by Prime Minister Kevin Rudd."

Category: Climate Change

Displaying results 1601 to 1605 out of 2977